Monday, October 11, 2010

Relationship to Media/Consumerism

Everyday, the media tightens its hold on us and its effect in our lives gets stronger. Media tells us what to do and how to do it. From what we eat, to what shampoo we should use. It is what sets seasonal fashion trends and dictates the economy to a certain extent. Media grabs people of all ages, from toddlers to senior citizens. I have never actually thought to count how many ads I see in a day. It would be way too much for me to realize. There are numerous ads on TV, as well as the various ones on the internet. You always see them when you’re waiting at the bus stop, as well as when you get on the train. You also see them when you drive. They are everywhere in malls and supermarkets. You cannot go 30 minutes without seeing an advertisement. And I did not realize this until I had to write the last few sentences. There’s an ad about everything, whether it’s orange juice or underwear. They also send the same message, regardless of the product. ‘You will be a better person if you buy this, or do that, or look that way.’ That’s the message. We sometimes underestimate what 30 seconds can do.
In schools, we are encouraged to think on our own and have our perspectives and opinions on the happenings in society. But it’s a lie. If everyone was able to speak for themselves and be our own person, the economy would be down and the country will not be running the same way it is today. If advertisements were not successful, there would not be any consumers. If there are no consumers, there’s no strong economy which is a major factor of a strong country. The media has a great influence on the way we think and the way we feel. For example, a few years ago, when skinny jeans were first beginning to show, I was really into them and wanted to buy a pair. After a few weeks, I went to the mall with my friend, Jess and decided to look for the jeans. Jess totally hated them and said they looked disgusting. Months later, almost every girl has a pair. Same thing happens on the radio. There’s always this one song that you hate yet, they play it over and over again. After a while, you’ll get so used to the song that you’ll probably go home and pay the 99 cents for it, or if you’re like so many others, you’ll download it for free, illegal or not. Even the foods we eat are influenced my media. I love to cook and try out new “experiments” in the kitchen. So as I flip through the TV channels and get Food Network, I’ll watch a few shows and hopefully get an idea. Once the show is over, I’ll head to the supermarket to get the ingredients to make the recipe.
Media has a very strong control hold on us, and we have become so used to it. It affects our lives every day since it indirectly tells us what we should buy , eat, wear, and use.

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