Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chronicles of an American Execution - Dan Barry

I really think that the author did a brilliant job of describing Mr. Holton's execution. He wrote in such a neutral manner, that can almost be perceived as a bit cold by some readers. But it was an excellent way of not trying to persuade the readers to think in a specific way. He didn't give his opinion on what he thinks of the death penalty or what he thinks of Mr. Holton's execution. He gave the cold, hard facts. He was so descriptive, that I actually was able to see what was happening, detail by detail. I could see Mr. Holton hyperventilating, as well as feel how somber it must've been in that room. I can see the wardens wiping his scalp with the wet sponge and the water trickling down his face, running underneath his shirt. I can imagine the 1,750 volts hitting Mr. Holton's body, jerking it and bringing it down like "a sack of earth". Dan Barry's writing was outstanding, his neutral way of describing this grave event gave the reader such a clear view of what happened, almost as if we were there.

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