Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Some profiles might be about interesting people, people who have done great things in their lives or helped find solutions to global problems. But the profile I will write is not about any famous person who has made amazing discoveries. It’s about a very normal person, my best friend, Jess. We’ve been the closest of best friends as best friends can get since the 5th grade. When they say opposites attract, they don’t only mean in a man-and-woman relationship. It’s also true for friendships. If Jess was the same as me, we would not have lasted as friends for long. She is a cheery, people-loving, outgoing person. The complete opposite of me. Jess sees the good in people and has no reason to not trust people. In my case, I have to test you to see if I can trust you. Not that I automatically assume the worst in people but I know that we’re not all genuinely good. She is a very social person who is always at every large gathering or hang-out. I always preferred spending time with a smaller group rather than going to parties every weekend. Jess is the one that keeps me sane, as cliché as that sounds. I’m the person that freaks out the fastest when something goes wrong. So Jess is there to tell me that it’ll all work out in the end and all my problems will be solved. It may seem like it’s no big deal but for me, it is. To have someone bring me down back to Earth and tell me that it’s not the end of the world, means a lot to me. Even if I have to be lied to. If I did something stupid and I know I’m in trouble, Jess will tell me to relax and not to worry about it. She’ll say, “What’s the worst that could happen?” She probably knows that it won’t be as easy as she makes it to be, but she will say it anyway just so I don’t have a panic attack. For someone who doesn’t know me and is just reading or listening to this, you may not understand how much that can mean to a person. But if you’re someone who is grateful for the sense of security, you’ll realize how important it is to have a person you’re close to tell you everything will be fine in the end. Some people these days take their carefree days and peace of mind for granted. They won’t understand how essential those elements are until they lose them.
I like to plan things and have a schedule to go by every day. I can’t do things last minute and I just don’t “go with the flow”. Jess, on the other hand, will take the day as it comes. She is way more carefree than I am and I wish I was a bit like her. She hardly complains and is an extremely fair person. She is very loyal, which is one of the most important reasons we are incredibly close. We have completely different tastes in everything. Whether it’s guys, clothes, shoes, food, music, or school subjects, we’ll have opposite opinions. It’s really a wonder that we get along.
Jess is a simple person, one who is not crazy about designer clothes or expensive jewelry. She is not a materialistic person whatsoever. I don’t have to act a certain way when we’re out so it’s definitely relaxing when I spend time with her. I remember times where we would just bum around on 86th Street in Bay Ridge and enjoy delicious burgers from Five Guys. That place really does have the best burgers. We’d then go to the movie theater and watch either some sappy romantic comedy or a really scary movie that won’t make us fall asleep at night. After that, we’ll go and stuff our faces with the most incredible ice cream in the world, located at Cold Stone Creamery. Even though there were other friends of mine that will be out at a party Friday nights, I always had the most fun going out with Jess and a few other people and just chilling out in boring places. We were able to make our own fun.
I am definitely grateful that I met my best friend at such a young age. I probably would’ve made stupider choices if I listened to myself constantly. It’s always a good idea to listen to someone’s advice besides your own, especially if that person has a different perspective from yours. Having someone who you can talk to about anything and everything is something to cherish. Good friends that will last don’t come along everyday so it’s important to know when to catch them. :)

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