Monday, September 27, 2010

Reaching the 5 Milestones

The 5 milestones discussed in NY Times article are: leaving your parents’ house, finishing education, becoming financially stable, getting married, and having children. This is what people finish doing by the end of their twenties. Or at least, this is what the article says that people used to do. Where do I fit in? I’m not sure yet, but I definitely want to finish school by my early 20s. I also want to be in a good financial position so I can finally move out and get my own apartment in SoHo. Maybe I’ll get married by the mid to late 20s but that’s not a top priority. The main milestones that I want to meet in about 5 years are to finish school and get a job. I have my student loans to worry about once I graduate and I think that this is one milestone they forgot to mention in the article.

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